How to Pray for Government Leaders
- Pray that they would have a personal revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray that they would recognize their own need to depend on God for knowledge, wisdom and for the courage to do what is right.
- Pray that they would reject all counsel that violates righteousness and resist all pressure to violate their own conscience.
- Pray that they would rely upon prayer and the Word of God as their source of daily strength, wisdom and courage.
- Pray that they would bring dignity, honour, trustworthiness and integrity to the office that they hold.
- Pray that they would remember to be good examples in their conduct to the people of Canada who look to them for leadership.
- Pray that they would be reminded daily that they are accountable to Almighty God for the decisions that they make.

Government Prayer Sunday
Government Prayer Sunday is an annual day of prayer for all governments in Canada.
The National House of Prayer in Ottawa has encouraged churches across Canada to set aside a portion of their morning services on Sunday, June 24, 2018 to pray for our government, joining together with Christians from coast to coast to coast.
In years past we have seen that many politicians have been positively impacted by our prayers and this is a great opportunity for us to convey the message that we care about our leaders and the decisions they make.
And of course for us, it is an opportunity to fulfill our ongoing responsibility to pray for all our government leaders that they would receive wisdom and grace to fulfill their calling.
These leaders make many moral and ethical issues that directly impact all of us.
Some of these issues are:
- Physician assisted suicide and abortion
- The role of parents as primary educators
- A growing national and provincial debt
- Concerns our indigenous people are facing
- Issues around sex education of our children
- Legalization of marijuana
We are exhorted in Scripture: Pray for all people. To ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.
In 1 Tim. 2 verses 1 thru 3, Paul also says that we should “Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.”
So we pray...
Dear Lord we come before you today to pray for our elected leaders. Leaders among us who need courage and integrity to stand for what is right.
We ask you Lord that you would be present in their lives and that they would be willing to ask You for wisdom to make wise decisions that will benefit every Canadian and uphold a standard of righteous values for our nation.
We know Lord, that when there is moral rot within a nation, a government topples easily – so we ask you God, to please help our elected leaders to be wise and knowledgeable so that they can bring stability to the land.
We also ask Lord that our nation’s leaders will not be swayed from our own Canadian Charter of Rights, which begins with the acknowledgement that Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law – as we desire a nation that upholds our individual freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of thought, opinion, and expression.
We pray Lord that the recent action taken by parliament to legalize euthanasia would not usher in the new reality that taking another person’s life is a norm here in Canada, but rather, spawn an understanding that our fellow citizens need good palliative care and that our elected representatives in government would expand and fund those services to help us care for those who are approaching the end of their lives.
We ask you Lord, that wise and Godly counselors will be present and available to help our leaders reach their full potential.
We pray for an increase of a generation of Josephs, and Esters, and Daniels who can be raised up to advocate and provide wise counsel for righteous judgments and decisions made by our politicians.
We pray that our political leaders would be encouraged to live a lifestyle that promotes good health and endurance. May they pursue meaningful time with their family, which brings stability at home and at work and that you bless them abundantly in all ways that would honour You and Your call on their lives.
And Lord we ask that your will be known to our Supreme Court as they interpret laws relating to the Charter of Rights. Please God help the nine judges of the court uphold foundational values that protect what You deem as just or unjust in our nation.
For us Lord, we pray for an awakening among Canadian Christians to have a greater understanding of the times and to seize the day to shine for Jesus.
May we be strategic in how we equip the next generation to give a good defense for what they believe.
Help us Lord to not resign ourselves for a posture of retreat, but help us press on towards the goal that God has called us heavenwards in Christ Jesus.
And finally Lord, for our church family, we ask that you would birth in our hearts ideas and strategies to serve our community and locally elected representatives.
Help us to know Lord how we can ‘Propose’ more effectively in our society rather than being seen as constantly ‘Opposing’ the work of the enemy.
And we ask Lord, that what you direct us to put our hearts and hands to, that we be ever mindful that we are doing these things for You Lord and not for ourselves.
You are our Lord, Christ is our Master and your inheritance is our reward.
Thank you Lord for hearing our prayer today. Thank you Lord for those you have placed in authority over us and thank you Lord for the promise that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
In Christ’s name we pray these things…and all those in agreement say….AMEN.
For more information about the work of the National House of Prayer in Ottawa please go to