Make a Difference
Thanks to you, Canada Family Action has a proven track record of getting results
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Please make your most generous financial contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more, “Building the Road Ahead” to a vibrant, moral and strong Canada.
Donations can be received directly through e-transfer to or PayPal.
Please make your most generous financial contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more, or become a monthly donor, and partner with us in “Building the Road Ahead” for a vibrant, moral, strong Canada.
Donations can be received through e-transfer to or PayPal.
Canada Family Action is a registered not-for-profit organization that supports the family, religious freedom and democracy.
To ensure maximum flexibility in engaging the government, we are not a registered charity that issues tax recipes.
Become a Member

Become a difference maker by taking out a membership with Canada Family Action
For $10 per month, you can join our exclusive membership base and help advance our cause.
We use membership fees to grow Canada Family Action and to conduct our campaigns.
Due to CFA’s political actions to support family, religious freedom and democracy, Revenue Canada will not allow us to issue charitable tax receipts.
Other Donation Options
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Due to CFA’s political actions to support family, religious freedom and democracy, Revenue Canada will not allow us to issue charitable tax receipts.
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